love, sweet love


we enjoyed a fun and yummy dinner at auntie sophia and uncle tim’s new home.  j&m couldn’t get enough of the delicious seabass!!  so much love for our friends.


it’s fun to matchy-match with cousin b.  their mommies want to add more matching clothes to their attire!  all about that cousin love!


as part of birthday week, we took cousin b and buddy h out to celebrate and jump around.  the twins have both mentioned recently that they wished b and h were their brother / sister.


i miss watching american gladiator, haha!


a sweet friendship.


i really love maya’s artistry on her thank you note.


thank you grandma for spoiling us ever so sweetly on valentine’s day with harry potter jellybeans!!


we invited some of our neighbor friends over for valentine’s day, this one enjoyed the sweet perks after she had dipped all of the strawberries in chocolate.


missing big sister emma, our twin neighbors are also j&m.  thank you for the yummy treats!  ll cool j (ladies love cool jeremy).


we can’t forget showing some love to our teachers.  our new birthday tradition involves sending bear claw treats to their favorite teachers, as their mascot is the bears!  next year, we’ll try to make homemade ones.

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